Please Don’t Kill Us
Every year careless owners lose their pet. Read this to keep your animal safe.
20 Story Plots We Love
No matter the setting, or genre, a story will fall into one of these 20 plot types. Which type is your favorite?
Give Presentations to Connect with New Readers
Writers can give presentations and connect with new readers. I attended Sean Fitzgibbon’s event, Lunch With the Author, and scheduled my own event in July 2023.
What Clutter Really Means and How to Stop It Today
Squash the clutter bug and reclaim your closet, drawer or shelf.
A Millionaire Told Me the Secret to Happiness
Years ago I met a well known millionaire who gave me free advice which lead to his success. It was the first time someone weathy told me this, and it changed my life.
Plan the Perfect New Year’s Eve Party
Plan the perfect New Year’s Eve party and avoid stress.
My Reasons to Celebrate December 2022
My reasons to celebrate December 2022 are many which include a new book release for Run Girl Run.
Crush Boredom with a Hobby
Crush boredom with a hobby today. All work and no play makes a person dull and boring.
Readers Connect with Writers at Events
The Lincoln Apple Festival was the perfect event to enjoy apple slices, and for the writers at our booth to connect with readers. What a great event.
10 Ways Teenagers Can Have Fun
Teenagers need joy in their life. Here are 10 doable ways to add more fun while they have time to enjoy themselves.
Story Planning For Writers
A well-planned story keeps writer’s block at bay. My stories start on paper, in a notebook. Once I make a rough outline and character sketches, I move to my laptop.